Call for Grant Applications – Invited for p4g partnership fund grant

Organisation Name:
P4G – Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030.
Application Deadline:
Sep 08, 2024
About Organisation
Every goal of theirs is to create positive change to the society and the environment according to the processes of mobilising finance that would support the early-stage companies that are involved in the net zero country transitions within the food, water, and energy systems. P4G offers grant funding, as well as the support of National Platforms and technical assistance to the partnerships that include businesses focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation in the spheres of food, water, and energy.
- Climate-smart Agriculture
- Food Loss and Waste
- Water Resilience
- Zero Emission Mobility
- Renewable Energy
About the Grant
P4G competitively selects early-level climate answer firms for offers and technical assistance. Partnerships should encompass a younger corporation and a civil society organization. A non-earnings will lead every partnership and acquire a USD 100,000 – 500,000 and averaging USD 350,000 furnish. Partnerships intention to prepare companies for Series A investment. Two to three partnerships within the same country will be selected per calendar year.
- Research on partners’ investment due diligence and business model analysis of gaps.
- Minimizing passive deployment of theory and self-sacrilege by nomoreland patients in order to be active in political processes that will facilitate the creation of enabling systems.
- Facilitating business matchmaking sessions.
- Mobilizing and communicating knowledge.
- Preparing early-stage climate entrepreneurs to be investment ready.
Interacting with organizations in the National Platforms domain in order to improve the enabling systems and dealing with the regulation/policies impacting business model. - Sharing more sectoral, partnership, or program-related knowledge to build examples for the proposed sectoral and business perspectives.
Promoting the expansion of private sector climate investment and funding for the sector and nation.
- Report the lessons that have been applied and the successes achieved to the relevant public and private sector entities through knowledge-sharing sessions and through P4G’s networks.
- Engaging in specific planned interactions with National Platform networks in-country.
Early Stage EnterprisesInnovationLeadership developmentSkill DevelopmentSolid Waste ManagementSolution to Water Related IssuesTechnology StartupsWater ConservationWater Management