Call for Grant Applications – She loves Tech Global Competition

Application Deadline:
No Deadline
About Organisation
The Pulitzer Center provides comprehensive support for impactful, high-quality journalism that addresses underreported issues across the globe. Known for its commitment to in-depth and boundary-pushing reporting, the Pulitzer Center believes in the power of media to engage, inform, and inspire change. It funds a wide array of media projects—spanning print, audio, photography, and video—to elevate diverse voices and critical stories. The Center actively fosters collaboration among journalists, news outlets, and educational institutions to broaden the reach and effectiveness of journalistic work. Journalists worldwide are encouraged to pursue ambitious storytelling across all platforms, with a particular focus on enhancing reporting with interactive, multimedia, and data-driven elements. Dedicated to promoting diversity, the Pulitzer Center invites applications from reporters of all nationalities and backgrounds, ensuring that global perspectives are represented. Besides its general global reporting grants, the Pulitzer Center also offers specialized grants for specific themes, including gender equality, climate change, AI accountability, and tropical rainforest conservation. By supporting these projects, the Center seeks to enrich public understanding and foster a more informed, engaged global community.
About the Grant
The Pulitzer Center’s global reporting grants empower journalists to produce in-depth stories that bring attention to critical issues frequently overlooked by mainstream media. This “catch-all” grant has no restrictions on topics or locations, allowing reporters to explore global concerns across a range of themes. Grants support costs associated with reporting, including travel, and are based on a detailed, reasonable budget proposed by applicants. With awards typically between $5,000 and $10,000 for international travel, the program may cover a wide range of reporting expenses. Successful proposals often feature collaborative partnerships with news outlets that commit to interactive, multimedia-rich presentations of the reporting. The Pulitzer Center prioritizes the safety of its grantees, especially for those reporting from conflict zones, where an outlet must assume responsibility for the journalist’s well-being. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to incorporate audience engagement strategies, such as creative distribution methods beyond publication, to broaden their stories’ impact. While these grants cover substantial reporting expenses, funding is not available for routine news coverage, editorial products like books or feature-length films, or the general expenses of media outlets.
Who can Apply?
The Pulitzer Center’s global reporting grants are open to both staff and freelance journalists globally, including reporters, photographers, radio/audio journalists, television/video journalists, and documentary filmmakers. To qualify, applicants must propose in-depth, high-impact projects that address underreported issues, with no restrictions on topic or location. Reporters with a solid plan for distributing their work across various platforms are encouraged to apply. Journalists reporting from hostile or conflict-prone regions are required to partner with news outlets willing to take full responsibility for their safety. For these high-risk assignments, freelancers are encouraged to include costs for Hostile Environment Training in their proposed budget, as priority consideration may be given to those with recent safety training. Additionally, proposals must include letters of interest or commitment from news outlets and specify audience engagement plans to maximize the project’s reach. The Center values diversity and welcomes applications from journalists of all nationalities and backgrounds, with an aim to amplify diverse voices and perspectives through its funding.
How to Apply?
Submit a proposal outlining the story idea, budget, distribution plans, and outlet commitments. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, ensuring that urgent projects receive prompt attention.
Application Deadline
There is no set application deadline; grants are awarded on a rolling basis.
Last Date To Apply
For more information, please visit the grant website here.