New Heights School, nestled in the heart of Hardoi, faced the challenge of a stagnant brand identity that failed to reflect its transformative educational philosophy and vibrant student community. Their existing brand materials lacked consistency, clarity, and impact, hindering their ability to attract a wider audience and establish themselves as a leading educational institution in the region.

Client Name: New Heights School

Service: Brand Strategy
Service: Creative & Video Production, AndPurpose Studio

Our Solutions

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive branding strategy, AndPurpose agency partnered with New Heights School to create a cohesive and impactful brand identity that captured the essence of their unique offerings.

Brand Audit and Analysis

We conducted a thorough audit of New Heights School’s existing brand materials, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and inconsistencies. This in-depth analysis provided valuable insights into the school’s current brand perception and areas for improvement. Also considering that it is a 12-year-old establishment, hence we needed to experiment with a refreshed look but not change it drastically so it hampers their operational executions.

Brand Essence & Identity Development

We collaborated with the school leadership and key stakeholders to define New Heights School’s core values, mission, and vision including the school directors, principal and teaching staff. This collaboration backed by extensive team sessions and interviews served as the foundation for developing a powerful brand essence that resonated with its target audience.

Visual Identity Revamp

We crafted a new visual identity that encompassed a redesigned logo, colour palette, typography, and imagery. This visual system coherently reflected the school’s values of innovation, diversity, and academic excellence. The new & refreshed look also helped to elevate the brand perception of a new age branded school.

Brand Messaging Framework

We developed a clear and consistent messaging framework that effectively communicated New Heights School’s unique value proposition and differentiated it from competitors. This messaging framework served as a guiding force for all communication channels.

Implementation and Integration

We partnered with New Heights School to implement the new brand identity across all internal and external communication materials, including website, marketing materials, student handbooks, uniforms, and signage. This ensured a holistic and consistent brand experience for all stakeholders.


  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: Within the first six months, New Heights School has experienced a considerable increase in brand awareness within Hardoi and neighbouring targeted communities, demonstrating the effectiveness of the new brand identity.
  • Improved Brand Perception: Parents and prospective students developed a stronger and more positive perception of New Heights School, recognizing it as a leading institution for holistic education with a heightened awareness of its offerings amongst its target audience.
  • Stronger Community Engagement: The new brand resonated with the school community, fostering a sense of pride and belonging among students, faculty, and parents, leading to increased engagement and collaboration.
  • Enhanced Reputation: New Heights School’s reputation as a premier educational institution in Hardoi significantly improved, attracting talented educators and students.
education marketing agency


AndPurpose’s strategic branding initiative transformed New Heights School’s image, propelling it to the forefront of Hardoi’s educational landscape. By crafting a compelling brand identity and seamlessly integrating it across all communication channels, we enabled the school to effectively communicate its unique value proposition, attract a wider audience, and ultimately achieve its ambitious growth objectives.

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